Friday, November 29, 2019
Woodrow Wilson Essays - Presidency Of Woodrow Wilson, Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson In 1856, Thomas Woodrow Wilson was born to Joseph Wilson and Janet Woodrow. Because he was the son of a Presbyterian minister, the moral ideology of Woodrow Wilson had its foundation early in his life. It is this moral approach to politics that shaped American foreign policy for a great part of the twentieth century. Wilson was elected president in 1910, as a result of Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose split from the Republican Party. The idealistic governor from New Jersey believed that the time had come for him to instate moral politics on the American people. Wilson had little experience in the arena of international politics, this is quite ironic of Wilson's presidency because, Wilson himself would be chiefly remembered as a world diplomat, and, his domestic policy would not be long cherished. To understand Woodrow Wilson's take on politics, one must first review his childhood and background. Born in the age of slavery, Wilson grew up as a racist. His parents both came from families of strong Presbyterian influence. Growing up his father would quiz him on the Bible as well as the orations of men such as Daniel Webster and Charles Lamb. It was also a result of his Scottish-Irish ancestry that Wilson began to inspect the British form of government, a government from which he would later try to incorporate ideas into American democracy. It was here, in his childhood, which the brickwork was laid for America's leader in World War I. (Walworth 14) After attending Princeton University, Wilson became the president of the University. He instituted many reforms including the defeat of the quadrangle system and a development of a graduate school. His belief was that Princeton was to transform boys performing meaningless tasks into thinking men. This goal was to be achieved by using the British model of the preceptorial program . After hearing about this new method of instruction, many vigorous young teachers flocked to Wilson praising his method. Wilson had now become the university's Pastor. (Walworth 89) When a new contract concerning the new graduate school was adopted, the pastor was asked to leave the university life, he was now ready to enter the political arena. Many politicians in the state of New Jersey were eager to have Wilson, a democrat, become involved in politics. Muckrakers had introduced New Jersey as a state conducive to corporations and the political machines they controlled, and the need for an honest politician was greater than ever. At the time when Wilson began his political career, the New Jersey machine was lacking a democratic candidate that could take the place of strong progressive reformers. In the 1906 election for New Jersey's senator, Wilson had all but conceded defeat, since the democrats had no viable chance of winning the election, or so he thought. After conversing with a Princeton classmate, Edwin Stevens, he realized that the bosses were trying to place Wilson as a candidate to cover up the real problems of the machines. (Walworth 145) George Brinton McClellan Harvey was the editor of Harper's Weekly Magazine during the latter part of Wilson's tenure at Princeton. Harvey is largely responsible for the governorship of New Jersey. It was Harvey that made a deal with James Smith Jr. Harvey guaranteed that Wilson would accept the nomination if Smith used his pull in the Democratic Party to make Wilson the president of the United States (Walworth 151). Wilson reluctantly accepted the proposal from Harvey and Smith and began the march toward the presidency. As soon as Wilson was elected governor of New Jersey, he was seen as the man who would lead the Democratic Party towards a more righteous end. As governor, Wilson turned and fought the machines that had, unbeknownst to Wilson, in effect put him in office. When Smith learned of Wilson's alleged betrayal, he announced his candidacy for re-election to the United States Senate, Wilson publicly denounced this campaign and had once and for all, ended the reign of the New Jersey Machine. The time for the 1912 election was near and a reluctant Woodrow Wilson accepted the challenge and the Democratic nomination. This was largely due to the crises that were blooming in the Mediterranean. Nevertheless, Wilson campaigned and toured the country giving the speeches, which he had become famous for. Wilson then secured the democratic nomination when he earned the support of the influential William Jennings Bryan . Bryan had respected Wilson and had followed him since the time of his presidential reforms at Princeton, admired and congratulated him on his quest for governor and
Monday, November 25, 2019
Order Writing A Thesis Proposal Here
Order Writing A Thesis Proposal Here Writing a thesis proposal is a real challenge for many students because it requires a lot of time, patience and knowledge. You should make an analysis of all materials on your topic, provide a thesis statement, capture the readerââ¬â¢s attention, present your purpose, methodology, literature review, etc. Have you already imagined these sleepless nights? Then we have an idea. What if you buy thesis proposal from us? This way you can do your business instead of spending hours and even days for the assignment. Our thesis proposal writing right for you Let us show the way we do our job. First of all, our manager contacts you to get all details of your order. Usually it takes up to 15 minutes to get in touch with a customer. You send us all requirements and guides you consider important, while we look for a qualified and experienced writer. We have a great team of writers, who specialize in any subject. Do you need a great thesis proposal help? You will get it on our website. We hire only skillful writers and never cooperate with students. We think that only people with a huge experience, awareness of all popular formats and styles and other significant moments can provide awesome papers. Thatââ¬â¢s why when you buy thesis proposal from us, you get high-quality service. When the paper is ready, it goes to an editor. In comparison with other writing services that offer only writing a thesis proposal, we also offer editing and proofreading. Our editors will find and correct all mistakes, misprints, etc. that the writer might make. Of course, our writers are professionals and write correctly, but we try to make our service excellent. When a person writes a paper, they may not notice an evident mistake, but our editors will do. We are sure that this approach is the main difference from other services. As soon as the work is ready, itââ¬â¢s sent directly to you. Thatââ¬â¢s all, actually. Place an order and get your A grade. Our pricing policy for every student Do you know how much you have to pay for writing thesis proposals? Check our prices. Have you ever thought it could be that affordable? We offer low-cost works since we adhere to a reasonable pricing policy. Therefore, we offer you to pay a small sum of money for writing thesis proposals. You can afford it for sure. Moreover, it stimulates many students to buy not only thesis proposal writing, but also some other assignments. We care about our customers and will keep doing our best to prove our reputation.
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Biographical Sketch of Arnold Schoenberg Research Paper
A Biographical Sketch of Arnold Schoenberg - Research Paper Example The artist composed music in different styles attracting a mixture of reactions from the audience including students, friends, and other Viennese audiences. Some of his works later contributed to hatred from his musical enemies. The early life and music Arnold Schoenberg was born to a merchant Samuel Schoenberg and Pauline in Vienna, Austria, on September 13, 1874 (ThinkQuest, para.1). Schoenberg was born in a family that had no particular musical history (Rovi Corporation, para.2). His father died in 1890 when he was aged 16 after which he became an apprentice with some bank shortly. As such, he had to learn much of the music styles through self-teaching and reliance on friends. The artist learnt to play violin and began to compose at the early age of eight years (ThinkQuest, para.1). He had shown aptitude for music composition at the early age. He also began to learn and acquire skills from his friends. One of the artists who helped him develop his talents was Oskar Adler, who gave him rudimentary instructions in harmony and counterpoint (Rovi Corporation, para.2). In 1891, Schoenberg joined the orchestra ââ¬Å"Polyhymniaâ⬠and met Alexander von Zemlinsky, the conductor of the orchestra; they would be friends throughout their lives (ThinkQuest, para.1). Zemlinsky, who would later be his brother-in-law, taught Schoenberg composition skills. This was the only formal instruction of this nature that the artist received in music. The early works of the artist in this career involved teaching privately and in other institutions and occasionally orchestrating operettas. He was a conductor of the metalworker-choir. Schoenberg got married to Zemlinskyââ¬â¢s sister, Mathilde, in 1901 and he moved with his wife to Berlin. The marriage was shaken at one point whereby Mathilde got married to another artist. They reunited later before her death in 1923. Schoenberg later got married ten months later to another woman, a sister to another artist. Music styles Schoenb erg developed his first original composition, some few piano pieces, at the age of twenty. The early musical compositions by this artist bore the image of the German Romanticism. This was particularly evident in his first composition Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 composed in 1899. This work was romantic and rich in harmony and color making this earlier work to be easy to comprehend and listen to (ThinkQuest, para.7). In the later developments, the artist concentrated in atonal music that did not have the structure of the traditional tonality. This formed the basis of criticism from his detractors. Nonetheless, the style attracted a large faithful following. He became an instructor in music. Some of the active followers would later become his pupils after establishing his private institution. The two most identifiable pupils of the artist are Alban Berg an Anton Webern. The two pupils developed their skills in music and would later match their trainer in style and composition ability. Workin g together, the three musical composers were the corner stones in the development of the atonal and 12-tone music that rocked the music industry in the first half of the twentieth century While in Berlin, Schoenberg was appointed to teach at Stern Academy in Berlin (ThinkQuest, para.3). In 1903, he returned to Vienna and established a private teaching academy. Berg and Webern became his first pupil. Schoenberg received further support from Zemlensky and another friend, Gustav Mahler, towards the real composition of atonal pieces (ThinkQuest) Gustav Mahler was the director of court opera. Schoenberg had now begun to move away from tonality towards atonal composition. He later composed some works and performed in a legendary in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Compare and contrast 2 liberal and 2 realist approaches to counter Essay
Compare and contrast 2 liberal and 2 realist approaches to counter terrorism - Essay Example On the other hand, liberals are of the opinion that terrorism is a menace amongst the many others in the society. Liberalists also argue that terrorism can only be handled by coming up with strategies and institutions that would aid in dealing with terrorism. In the view of the liberalists, through the deployment of intelligence forces, it is possible to combat terrorism,. Liberalists also argue that law enforcement forces are vital in handling terrorism. This paper shall analyze the differences between liberalist and realists approaches on eradication of terrorism. Light will be shed on the realist works by Alex Bellamy and Jason Motlagh and liberalist works by John Mueller and Henry Munson. In Bellamys work, torture is one of the measures that is of the essence to the realists (121). In the event of the devastating September bombing, it became evident that the entire globe is under risk and at the mercies of the terrorists. In this case, torturing and manipulating terrorists has been beneficial in extracting information from them. Apart from the legal and moral constraints, torture has been beneficial in the protection of the US citizens from terror attacks. Bellamy continues to argue that the media can be used to justify this fact by televising the success of torture in acquiring information from terrorists (127). At times, tortures can lead to the death of suspected terrorists. Studies indicate that with the fewer cases of suspects under trial, torture has been embraced as one the most effectual means of combating crime. Motlaghs work is yet another that applies realist approaches in the analysis of assessment. The government of Sri Lanka has been seen to apply the aid of agencies in an attempt to protect its citizens from clashes and calamities (Motlagh 1). This is an interpretation of the fact that this work is more
Monday, November 18, 2019
(can you come up with one) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
(can you come up with one) - Essay Example Professional experience in a for-profit organization is a strong advantage, as well as the ability to demonstrate successful teaching experience. The position to be filled is that of a highly intellectual individual with specialized skills, knowledge and experience. According to Haesli and Boxall (2005), such individuals seek facets of employment ordinary workers do not, and would look to find the following qualifications when selecting an employer: From the foregoing, Sincere College, in its desire to source the best possible applicant for the position and maintain such an individual for the long-term, must offer above all work that is continuously interesting to the individual, not routinary but challenging to the personââ¬â¢s specialized abilities (Douglas, 2010). Sincere College should furthermore offer the candidate a competitive salary worthy of his/her high qualifications, in the area of $X,XXX.XX per month. He/she shall also enjoy the following benefits: XXXX Finally, he or she should be informed that the position is in the tenure track, and may expect to be welcome as a part of the long and illustrious tradition of Sincere College. The College should be shown to have a dynamic strategic approach to academic pursuits, as strategic flexibility determines the organizational commitment to ensure the satisfaction and growth of its employees (Roca-Puig, et al., 2005). Internal recruitment should first be attempted prior to advertising outside of the college. It is possible that qualified teaching personnel already exist in the college, and such announcement, through posting in the school intranet or HR bulletin board for notice of vacancies or by circulating through memorandum. This allows interested individuals the chance to express their interest to be considered for the position, and the skills and abilities are already known to the college,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Statement Of The Research Problem English Language Essay
The Statement Of The Research Problem English Language Essay English is now considered as an important language, not only in the learning institutions but also within the society. Most employers seek employees who can communicate competently in English. Unfortunately the standard of English among todays graduates is disappointing. One may argue that emphasize should be put on the skill needed to do a particular job instead of focusing on being able to speak English well. However, in certain fields the ability to converse well in English is mandatory. It is especially important to graduates or students of the TESL course as they are suppose to teach English to others. If they could not do it well, how could they be expected to teach others? In my practicum teaching experience, I managed to observe that some of the students kept silent all the time during the teaching and learning session. And the main reason for this situation taking place is the fact that they do not want to speak English. Most of the time during classroom teaching, I am the only one explaining and trying to get the students to speak. Even when they know the answer to a simple question, they still hesitate to open their mouths, and to volunteer in answering the question orally. They are indifferent to conversing in English. Although some of them know clearly that they should be competent in the language so as to qualify themselves for the current competitive career seeking opportunities that they will face in the future. Besides, the ability to speak in English is required in the society and the Malaysian community since we are in a multicultural country. With this demographic background, one common language that we share besides Malay is English. Ther efore, having confidence to speak the language is considered necessary. 1.2 The Statement of the Research Problem Being able to make ourselves confident, and directing the self-confidence that we have to speak in English is a hard effort. To be able to have this confidence, individuals need to make sure that they are proficient in the language. Lack of proficiency in English is seen as a major contributor towards the student teachers oral contribution in the classroom and during English teaching and learning session. In light of this situation, many factors have been identified as the cause of such issue to occur among the student teachers. Thus, these contributing factors will be further investigated in this research in order to come up with means for effective change. The first problem that results in silence of the sample group during classroom interaction and instruction is due to the fact that the student teachers level of English proficiency, compared to their senior teachers and lecturers, are relatively different. The sample group has differences among them in terms of English proficiency. This means that their level of competency, especially in oral English, differs from one another. Therefore, with this problem, they become more afraid of making mistakes if they speak, thus resort to being silent and avoid any oral communication in the classroom with the senior teacher or lecturer. Does this problem apply to the focused group of the research? Based on the practicum teaching experience, I also found out that the same problem applies to my B.Ed TESL colleagues during lecture sessions. Even though we are already in our final semester of learning and the ability to converse in English should have been sharpened throughout the 7 semesters, many still hesitate to voice out opinions or provide individual answers voluntarily during lectures. Therefore, I decided to look into this problem and come up with necessary solutions for this issue. Based on the problems explained above, this topic best interests me since I will benefit from the findings of this research whereby I can use it to overcome any difficulties pertaining to this issue for the betterment of my teaching and instruction as a teacher in the classroom. 1.3 The Research Objectives The purpose of this research is to investigate trainee teachers perceptions, problems and experiences of speaking English in the classroom. By identifying these three components; students perception, difficulties, and ways to overcome this matter, this study generally focuses on how to help the B.Ed TESL Cohort Three students to overcome the barrier that exists. Therefore, I hope that this study will help them to be able to speak in English during their teaching periods and in the classroom. Specifically, the research is conducted to fulfill the following objectives: To find out about trainee teachers perception in speaking English while doing their practicum and during lecture hours in the classroom. To find out about trainee teachers difficulties in speaking English while doing their practicum and during lecture hours in the classroom. To propose suggestions on how barriers and difficulties of speaking English in the classroom can be minimized, or eliminated. 1.4 The Research Questions The following questions were designed to fulfill the needs of this research: How does B.Ed TESL trainee teachers teach English in class, and how do they act and react during lecture hours in the teachers training institute? What are the difficulties in speaking English while doing their practicum and during lecture hours in the classroom? What are the ways that can encourage B.Ed TESL trainee teachers to frequently speak in English in the classroom? 1.5 Limitation of the Study This study had been conducted to the Cohort Three, B.Ed TESL students of UiTM. The reason for selecting them as the respondents is due to the limitation of sources, age factors, and the time constraint. As we are studying in MARA University of Technology (UiTM), and the fact that it is hard for us to get respondents from other universities, we decided to study our own B.Ed TESL Cohort Three students. Besides that, this study is only limited to B.Ed TESL Cohort Three students due to the small age gap between each and every one of my respondents. In average, the respondents for my study are aged between 23 to 25 years old. This project is limited to only the respondents chosen because it is easier to distribute the questionnaire to them and recollect it back afterwards. Moreover, since we do not have ample time to distribute and analyze the questionnaire papers, choosing only B.Ed TESL Cohort Three students seemed to be the best solution not only because of the factors stated above, but also because the topic of my case study is closely related to the respondents chosen. 1.5 Significance of the study This study had been carried out with the purpose of knowing why students in higher educational institutions are less interested in speaking English. As an English language learner, I found out that most students studying in higher education institutions, especially Mara University of Technology (UiTM) lack the interest to speak English, especially outside the classroom. As English is an important language nowadays, it is also vital for teacher trainees like us to master the language. One best way of mastering this language is by using it in our daily conversations. By using English language in our daily communications, the B.Ed TESL students are able to improve their speaking skills during their practicum and also during lecture hours. Consequently this study can be used to help the students in their speaking of English and also to help them to be more confident to use the second language. Apart from that, this study also able to aid the lecturers to tackle this matter. Therefore, some measures will be taken by them in terms of the contents of the lesson and the pedagogy used in class. For example, the lesson carried out is more interesting which requires the students to talk and contribute more in the classroom. In addition, the UiTM administrator should organize workshops that focus on building students self-confidence to converse in English. This will encourage the students to use English as their medium of communication. Unfortunately, B.ED TESL Cohort Three students of UiTM seemed to be reluctant to speak English among their friends, colleagues, peers, and everyone around them. So, this study helps me to reflect on the reasons leading to this situation. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 English Subject English is an international language. It is widely used in many situations like business trade, communication, learning process and so on. Therefore, English has become a compulsory subject in Malaysian Educational System. It was first implemented in year 1979. All students starting from kindergarten until tertiary level have to learn English as one of their subjects. The major aim of this subject is to allow students to develop their level of proficiency in English. This will enable students to use English for their daily life, knowledge acquisition and to prepare them for future jobs. In KBSM, the learning outcome in learning English is based on the four skills which are reading, speaking, writing and listening. Those four skills are really needed to be mastered by the students before they go off the school. Speaking skill is useful for students to deliver their thoughts and ideas clearly in speech when they pronounce words correctly and observe correct stress and intonation (KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA SUKATAN PELAJARAN KURIKULUM BERSEPADU SEKOLAH MENENGAH) From Zhao B. (1998) in her article. 2.2 Motivation to Speak English How to motivate students to speak English (Golding, 2007), has provided several issues that need to be taken into consideration. The first factor is environment. There are several factors that hinder students from speaking English in class like afraid of making mistakes, and lack of confidence. Thus, it is the teachers role to provide good environment so that students will feel comfortable to converse in English. Secondly, encouragement is necessary. From time to time teachers should give moral support to the students so that they will increase their level of confidence in using the target language. Third is methods chosen by the teachers. The teachers should make sure that the approach for speaking skill is suitable for students to develop their speaking skill. Lastly is guidance from the teacher. Teachers should guide their students so that they will learn something from the lesson and will not repeat the same mistake again and again. Teachers should try to make their class lively and active through their guidance and ways of handling it. 2.3 Speaking English outside the Classroom In order to be fluent in speaking English, students must be encouraged to put into practice speaking English outside the classroom environment. From Pete Marchetto (2007), only the most motivated students will manage to speak it all the time. However, why students nowadays feel reluctant to use the language as one of their means of communication? Fluency is one of the factors that may hinder students to speak English outside the classroom. An article entitled English outside the Classroom stated that to develop fluency, we must generate a need to speak, to meet the learners want to speak. The learners themselves must be convinced of the need to relate to the subject and communicate about it to others. They need to feel that they are speaking not simply because the teacher expects them to, but because there is some strong reason to do so; not only inside the classroom but also outside the classroom. (Hawes, 1994) Thus, students need to force themselves to speak in English if they want to become fluent speakers. Fluency may not come without practice. Fluency may be a factor that hinders students from speaking English, but their personal interest can also be a contributor to this issue. In research done by Shimizu entitled Why Japanese Students Reluctant to express their Opinions in the Classroom suggests that, some students are not interested in English and it is natural that they cannot express their opinions during the class. So, it means that, students need to have high interest in learning the language. If they have little interest in the language, definitely they will not practice the language. Apart from that, students do not speak English because they feel afraid of making mistakes. The fear of losing face prevents the students from speaking English (Zhu, 2003). These students do not want to feel ashamed in front of their friends if they tend to speak English incorrectly. 2.4 Barriers in speaking English Feeling not confident to speak in English, or reluctance to speak, whether in the classroom, or outside can occur due to many factors. These factors hinder, or become the barrier in individuals to speak in English. From my experience, my colleagues rarely speak in English in informal situations especially outside the classroom. For me, this is the largest barrier that deters the speaking of English during lectures in class. Speaking in English outside the classroom is important. Interacting in the community is a vital part of their language learning because language acquisition takes place when learners have problems communicating and have to negotiate for meaning. (Ellis, 2005) Speaking in English outside the classroom is important, and has proved to facilitate individuals in becoming confident and able to improve speaking skills. A research done by Cathy Wright (2006) entitled SPEAKING ENGLISH BEYOND THE CLASSROOM: IDENTIFYING BARRIERS AND EFFECTING CHANGE, showed that speaking English outside class was very important (all instead of half) and more certain it could improve speaking, listening, vocabulary and understanding of life. Furthermore, participants had become more positive about their experiences of speaking English in the community. First language (L1) is also a barrier to individuals to speak in English in class. This is because in my opinion and observation, my colleagues prefer to speak among themselves in L1, whether inside the classroom, or outside. L1 effect on second language (L2) is also termed as interference. Quoted in Bhela (1999), When writing or speaking the target language (L2), second language learners tend to rely on their native language (L1) structures to produce a response. If the structures of the two languages are distinctly different, then one could expect a relatively high frequency of errors to occur in L2, thus indicating an interference of L1 on L2 (Dechert, 1983 and Ellis, 1997). Based on the quotation above, the structure of individuals L1 interfere in the production of sentences in L2, thus creating repeated errors in individuals speech and writing in L2. Therefore, the errors may instil lack of motivation and confidence to speak in L2, creating a situation that hinders my colleagues to practice speaking English in class and outside the classroom. CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Background One crucial phrase that can be applied in mastering the English language is practice makes perfect. In order to be competent in English, TESL students should speak the language every opportunity they get. Surprisingly, many TESL students do not use English outside the classroom. This is why I decided to conduct a survey to investigate this matter. I want to find out whether the reason they are not using English outside the classroom is innate or related to their surroundings. This is important because we need to recognize and eliminate the inhibitors that prevent TESL students from using English outside the classroom so that I may find ways to overcome this problem. This chapter looks into how the survey has been carried out. In this chapter, it is discussed in detail about the subjects of this study, the instruments used to carry out this study, how the data had been collected, and finally the way the data had been analyzed. From this chapter, the whole process, from distributing the instrument, conducting and collecting the data, to the way of analyzing all the data of the study is being described precisely. 3.2 The Subjects of the Study The subjects for my study are 45 persons. From all the subjects, I chose to distribute our instruments to 11 male students, and 34 female students. Furthermore, the subjects of my study are all from B.Ed TESL Cohort Three UiTM students. All the respondents are aged between twenty to twenty four years old. While choosing for the subjects for this study, I did not encounter any difficulties as my survey is not a comparison between males and females. So, the difference in the numbers of males and females respondents was not a barrier to me to continue the study. 3.3 The Instruments In doing this survey, the method chosen is survey questionnaire. The reason for choosing this method is that it is easier to analyze the data provided. The survey questionnaire will be distributed among 45 respondents in March 2010. In order to accumulate the data the instrument is divided into three sections which are; (a) Students Perception, (b) Difficulties, and (c) Ways to Help. The questionnaire consists of ten (10) survey questions pertaining to the survey topic. From those 10 questions, three questions had been asked in a form of YES/NO, one question as scale, and six multiple choice questions. The YES/NO question asks the respondents to tick either Yes or No. The optional choice question in the questionnaire needs all the respondents to choose the answers within the answers that had been provided for them. The scale question requires the respondent to grade according to their opinion about what the question asks. Meanwhile, the open-ended question asks the respondents to state their reason/s in answering the related question. 3.4 Data Collection As this survey had been conducted using survey questionnaire, the data provided is written in the questionnaire paper itself. Therefore, when this questionnaire had been distributed to all the respondents chosen, I had given them about 15 minutes to finish answering all the questions. The questionnaire set is collected as soon as all the respondents completed answering it. The questionnaire was handed to all the respondents while they were in class and waiting for the lecturer to come. So the data collection for this survey has been made at their respective classes 3.5 Data Analysis After all the data had been collected, an analysis of it has been carried out to conclude all the findings and assemblage the data into their percentage. This is done to come out with a list of figures and charts discussing each question. The data collected is first recounted to make sure all the respondents had handed in their questionnaire paper. After that, an analysis of each question is made by grouping the answers, and totaling them up in a form of percentage. Then, the percentage of each data is transmitted into the different charts provided by the computer. For the open-ended question, the data is tabulated into a table and followed by appropriate justifications on how the respondents reacted to the questions asked. CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION 4.0 Introduction The purpose of this research is to investigate trainee teachers perceptions, problems and experiences of speaking English in the classroom. This chapter looks into how the results of the findings of the study will be portrayed and discussed. 4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis This chapter contains information and the conclusion made pertaining to each question asked in the questionnaire paper. After the data had been analyze and transmitted into figures and tables, a conclusion for each question is made to relate the findings and the survey topic together. In this chapter also, the results of the survey is shown and discussed. 4.1.1 Students Perception QUESTION 1: From your point of view, is English an interesting language? FIGURE 4.1 The first question is a general question which asks the respondents whether English is an interesting language or not. It is a Yes/No question, which require the respondents to tick in either one of the boxes provided. For this question, 45 respondents, or a total of 96 percent of the respondents say that English is an interesting language. While an outstanding total of respondents say that English is interesting. On the contrary, 2 respondents, who carry another 4 percent of the total percentage, say that English is not an interesting language. QUESTION 2: Is English language difficult to be spoken? FIGURE 4.2 The second question is a Yes/No question, asking the respondents perceptions whether English language is difficult to be spoken or not. From the pie-chart chart above, it is shown that a high 80 percent of the respondents say that English is not difficult to be spoken. Another 20 percent stated that speaking English is hard. It clearly shows that majority of the respondents agree to the fact that English is not a hard language to be spoken. 4.1.2 Students difficulties QUESTION 3: On the scale of 1 to 10, what is your level of proficiency in the English language? FIGURE 4.3 The third question required the respondents to rate their level of proficiency in the English language. The rational of asking this question is to know how well the respondents feel about themselves pertaining to the study of English. The scale of 1 to 10 has been provided to them in three different boxes. The first box is rated 1 to 3, the second rated 4 to 7, and the third box is rated 8 to 10. After analyzing the findings provided, 62 percent, with majority respondents rated their proficiency in English at 4 to 7 of the scale. The second highest percentage is 32 percent, where the respondents rate their English proficiency at 8 to 10 from the scale given. Meanwhile, the lowest percentage is 6 rate their proficiency at the point of 1 to 3 on the scale. QUESTION 4: How often do you speak English with your friends / peers outside of the classroom? FIGURE 4.3 The fourth question for this survey is pertaining to the frequency of speaking English for each respondent. The answers provided for this question is seldom, once a week, everyday, or never spoken in English before. The respondents are asked to choose only ONE answer for this question. From the analyzed data, 50 percent of the respondents answered they seldom speak in English, 14 percent said that they speak English once a week, another 32 percent of respondents state that they speak English everyday, while another 6 percent of the remaining respondents stated that they never spoke in English. From this question, it can be concluded that the respondents spent less time using English to communicate in their daily lives. QUESTION 5: Do your colleagues practice speaking English outside of the classroom? FIGURE 4.6 Question 6 is a Yes/No, asking the respondents whether their colleagues in the university practices speaking English outside the classroom or not. All the respondents are asked to chose either Yes or No for the answer. The highest percentage for this question is the answer Yes, with a total of 60 percent of the respondents stating that their colleagues do practice speaking English outside their classroom. Another 40 percent of the respondents say that their colleagues did not practice speaking the language outside classroom. QUESTION 6: Do you speak English with your parents / family members at home? FIGURE 4.7 The above figure is a transmitted data of the seventh question in the survey questionnaire conducted to the B.Ed TESL teacher trainee of IPGM-KKB UiTM. This question is asked with the purpose of knowing whether the respondents do speak English language with their parents or family members at home. Related to the fifth question before, this is another way for me to gather more information about the topic of my study. To conclude the figure above, 60 percent or a total of 30 respondents do practice speaking the language with their parents or family members at home. QUESTION 7: What do you think is the inhibitor for TESL students to use English in the classroom? TABLE 4.2 The question asked respondents to give their opinion on the inhibitor for TESL students to use English in the classroom. From the data collected, it shows that most of the respondents admit that lack of self-confidence is the biggest inhibitor for them to use English outside the classroom, with 57.7 percent. Besides, 19.7 percent respondents believe that they are lack of practice to use the language. While, 17 percent of our respondents say that their mother tongue (Malay Language) inhibits them to speak English in the classroom. Meanwhile, only 7 percent of the total percentage states that peers are the inhibitors for them to speak the language in class. 4.1.3 Ways to Overcome QUESTION 8: Who influence you most in speaking English? FIGURE 4.5 This question is asking the respondents to reveal who influenced them most to speak in English in the classroom. The answers provided for this question is peers/friends, parents, their lecturers and their own self-willing. From the bar chart above, respondents agree that their peers/ friends, and their lecturers are the most influential factor for them to speak in English, with the percentage of 28.9. Meanwhile, a 26.8 percent out of the total percentage state that their own-willing to speak is the most pushing factor in influencing them to speak the language outside the classroom. Another 15.4 percent of the remaining respondents chose their parents as someone who influence them to speak in English out of class. From this question, it shows that peers or friends, and lecturers play an important part to make us speak in English, even outside of the classroom. QUESTION 9: From your point of view, do a teacher / lecturer play a big role in encouraging students to speak English? FIGURE 4.8 Question 8 is a multiple choice form of question, which needs the respondents to choose only ONE answer from the list of answers provided to them. The respondents are required to give their views on whether a teacher or lecturer plays a big role in encouraging students to speak English. There is a huge difference in the amount of percentage between one answer to others. A majority of 44 respondents, with the percentage of 88 says that the teacher or lecturer plays a big role in encouraging them to speak English. From this question, I can make a conclusion that students depend on their lecturers in order to make them speak in English outside the classroom environment. QUESTION 10: In your opinion, what are the factors that contribute to someone speaking English fluently? FIGURE 4.9 This question is asking for the respondents opinion on the factors that contribute to someone speaking English fluently. Just like the previous question, the respondents need to state their point of view by choosing from the list of answers already provided to them in the questionnaire paper. The opinions asked are the factors that contribute to someone speaking fluent English. The results in the figure above shows that 41 percent of the respondents think that lots of practice is the main key in speaking fluent English. Meanwhile, one quarter of the pie chart, with 25 percent of the respondents think that interest in the language contributes to someone speaking English fluently. 4.2 Summary of the findings Based on the findings of the study, there are few conclusions that can be made. Throughout the findings, I found out that more than half of the respondents have the rate of 4-7 on the English proficiency scale of 10. I also found out that half of the overall respondents seldom speak English with their friends or peers outside of the classroom. 60% from the total of respondents state that their colleague practices speaking English outside the classroom. However, that does not bring enough motivation to encourage them to speak in English. 88% of the respondents have a view that lecturers play a big role in encouraging students to converse in English in and outside the classroom. From the data collected, I found out that, most of the respondents with a total of 57.7%, state that lack of self-confidence is the greatest inhibitor to converse in English in the classroom. CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 5.0 Introduction One crucial phrase that can be applied in mastering the English language is practice makes perfect. In order to be competent in English, TESL students should speak the language every opportunity they get. Surprisingly, many TESL students do not use English outside of the classroom. This is why we decided to conduct a survey to investigate this matter. We want to find out whether the reason they are not using English outside of the classroom is innate or related to their surroundings. This is important because we need to recognize and eliminate the inhibitors that prevent TESL students from using English outside of the classroom so that we may find ways to overcome this problem. 5.1 Implications to Language Learning The researcher really values the insights received from the B.Ed TESL Cohort 3 students on their opinion and perception about English language, which is our L2. By knowing what they have to say about the English language, it creates awareness of the researcher on the situation of speaking in English among colleagues inside and outside the classroom. The current situation of speaking English among colleagues shows that though English is the language that we are learning in order to become an English teacher in the near future, many inhibitors still hinder us from frequently speaking the language, either inside the classroom or outside in informal situation with friends. The importance of English is undeniable. Because the language is very important, B.Ed TESL Cohort 3 students should work very hard to try to overcome, or curd the inhibitors that stop them from being able to speak in English in any given situation. As future English teachers, urgency and inner instinct to proficiently improve self in the language should be buried inside us. In addition, due to the increasing demand on individuals proficiency in English for education and job prospect nowadays, to be able to speak English in many situations is considered very good. Therefore, B.Ed TESL students should have their own self-encouragement to become better speakers of English, and be a very good role model to the students when they start teaching in schools in the near future. By putting effort and finding our own means to speak English frequently and confidently, not only can we be proud of ourselves, but also a sense of proud and satisfaction sparks in the lecturers who had taught us the language for almost 6 years. This study also shed light to the fact that practicing English is a very good effort in order to become fluent and proficient speakers. The only problem that surrounds it is that, the feeling of shame to practice speaking and getting caught making errors. It creates embarrassment which led to unwillingness to continue the practice of speaking the language. Being afraid of making errors while speaking will only put individuals at the current state of their English proficiency. In order for them to move forward and become better, the feeling of shame should be put aside. This is because making errors are part
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Sick Role and Application in the Nursing Practice :: Nursing Essays
Introduction The processes of life were being born, growing old, having illness, and death. In our life, we suffered from different sickness. It was a good reason for the absent from school, work or other daily working activities. However, in the view of a sociologist, the people who were in the sick role, they were regarded as having committed a crime and it was treated as deviant behavior (Peter & Meredith, 1998). In the structural functional model, people took various tasks and role in society or in different institutions. These were dependable with the structures and norms of the society. Did sickness have any effective elements in society? This paper would describe the concept of sick role and the application in the nursing practice (Parson, 1979). Concept of sick role Talcott Parsons (1902 ââ¬â 1979) was a famous American sociologist and a structural functionalist. He developed a general theoretical system for analyzing the society. In his theoretical system, people hold their status and perform their role in the society, which was called social role. In his concept, the social roles were expected behaviors (including rights and obligations) of everyone with a given position in society (Diligio, 2005). This kind of social role maintained the structural and functional status of the society. I used Mr. Lee as an example to illustrate about the social roles. Mr. Lee was a registered nurse. He lived with his wife and his daughter. According to the Parsonsââ¬â¢s theoretical system, Mr. Lee has three social roles. At hospital, he took a role as a nurse. He cared his patients. At home, he took a role as husband to his wife and a role as father to his daughter. The sick role was first defined by Talcott Parsons (1951) in his seminal work which was describing a set of behaviors. These behaviors were associated with people who became acutely ill. As described by Parsons, the sick role was a process in which an individual experiences a change in role identity or role expectations. As a result, people were suffered from the illness. Base of the Parsons, there were some components in the sick role. Firstly, the illness was involuntary. Secondly, residents of the sick role were exempted from their usual work; family, civic and permits to be ââ¬Å"take care ofâ⬠by health care professionals and others.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Philippines Airlines Case Essay
Philippines airlines started its history on March 15, 1941 on a small twin-engine Beech Model 18 flying 212 of pure skies from Manila to Baguio with a full load of five passengers. Upon the outbreak of the pacific war, PALââ¬â¢s two aircraft were pressed into service with the US army Air Corps. Post-war operations began on February 14, 1946 with five ex-military Douglas DC-35. In July, the airline chartered DC-4s to carry American service men home to Oakland, making PAL the first airline to cross the Pacific. Regular DC-4s service to San Francisco began in December 1946. In May 1947, PAL opened a route to Europe. By 1952, the international route network covered two-thirds of the wold, and the government became the majority stockholder. At present, PAL uses the most advance technology in the local airline industry. Technical centers were constructed to perform ground handling for other airlines and contract work for the states and Philippine Military services. Computerized reservations systems link most PAL sales outlets: 103 in the Philippines and 56 worldwide. The PAL Data Center at the Manila Domestic Airport is the core of the most extensive computer system in the Philippines today. A massive refleeting program was introduced to be able to cope with the standards of the industry. Indeed, this program paved the way for the problems they are facing right now. Closure Philippine Airlines (PAL) is facing its worst crisis. Foremost in the companyââ¬â¢s mind is how can it possibly overcome problems created by the economic turmoil that has been bagging the Asian region since July 1997- a situation few quarters were able to predict. What do they do in times of decreasing demand for air travel, poor revenues, increasing operational cost, and when credit to cover financial obligations is almost non-existent? The main reason why PAL suffered financial problems was because of the massive refleeting modernization program, which was funded through loans made from local and international creditors. It has reached a point where it can no longer keep up with its obligations. Then, the labor unrest come into force because of the need to downsize manpower as a solution to its financial problems. The pilots rejected a scheme to retire 200 colleagues using a provision in their CBA which would not give them enough monetary benefit that will compensate their year of service with the company. Theà ground employees protested the manner by which the management implemented a retrenchment program on their ranks as a result of the 22-day pilots strike. The downsizing was a bitter pill to swallow. Chain of Events Prior to the Closure June 1998 The 620 PAL pilots went on strike paralyzing PALââ¬â¢s operations. 1,800 ground employees were retrenched. July 1998 Philippine Air Lines Employee Association (PALEA) went on strike to demand the reinstatement of the retrenched members who they claimed were dismissed by violating their CBA provisions. September 1998 Lucio Tan gave out a proposal to PALEA officers, the acceptance of which will ensure the survical of PAL. PALEA officers accepted the proposal. Members of PALEA rejected the proposal and demanded a retraction from the officers. Officers retracted on a condition that a referendum is held on the proposals. Referendum under the sponsorship of DOLE was held. ââ¬Å"NOâ⬠votes prevailed. Closure becomes reality. Management side (Interview) The closure was done because the company is on the brink of bankruptcy. It was due to the unforeseen economic crisis. There is no problem with the management and labor. The management then gave a proposal to avoid the closure of the company. Labor side (source from Newspapers) They are afraid that the management can easily fire them without the CBA. They are also worried about the recognition of the labor union even if the CBA is suspended. Another referendum was made and the ââ¬Å"YESâ⬠votes prevailed which means that they agreed to the proposal of Mr. Lucio Tan maybe because of limited options they have. REACTION (Written by a PAL employee) The upheavals in PAL can best described as ââ¬Å"Bad Luckâ⬠. After 57 years in existence, who would have say that management expertise is lacking, maybe inappropriate to the call of the times but never lacking. The labor unions have enjoyed the rights since day one of their foundation but again due to the call of the times, they have just ask for more. Each one has its own reasons for being so the collapse of the enterprise come to fore and closure was inevitable. The Yes or No vote. Both are evil but we chose the lesser evil- Why Yes? 1. Yes means reopening of the airline, a must for national interest as well as individual workerââ¬â¢s interest. The industry is vital to national trade and tourism. Its absence could slow down the Philippine economy further. While itââ¬â¢s true that there maybe other airlines, PAL has the edge in facilities, human resources, and worldwide recognition. 2. The suspension of CBA can still be questioned in court for its legality and can be pursued by the union. 3. There are labor laws to protect the workers. Effects of the Closure in the Economy The economy then was in recession so the people did not consider air travel. Many PAL workers went home jobless. GNP drops because of low productivity. Business opportunities were cancelled or delayed due to lack of Air Transportation. Re-opening Pal opened its door when all the problems were partially solved. Owner Lucio Tan infused capital to the wingless airline, which was not enough for its continued survival. Selling of some assets were considered to pay creditors. It lessened flight destinations to be able to lower operation cost. A possible management turnover might happen for the survival. Rehabilitation Plan The plan was mainly to infuse capital to PAL airlines. Possible investors were invited for the infusion of the capital. Selling percentage of ownership were also considered. Foreign investors such as Cathay Pacific, Northwest were thinking of possible investment to the said airline. A $150 million capital infusion was planned but the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) did not approve it last December 1998. Selling of sharesà worth $11.916 million in abacus international, one of the biggest international computer reservation systems in the world was considered to raise cash for operations. A new rehabilitation plan worth $200 million is set to be submitted on March 15, 1999 for the approval by the SEC.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Endgame The Hegelian definition of tragedy is defined as good intentions will collide in a finite area where those good intentions will develop a tragedy. Beckettââ¬â¢s Endgame can be included within the definition of the Hegelian tragedy. Both main characters in the play had good intentions, but were formed through obligations. These good intentions through obligation made the novel suitable to be a Hegelian tragedy. The characters good intentions were shown throughout the play. Both Hamm and Clove depended on each other to survive. They were both afraid to leave each other and be left alone.Clove admits that Hamm became a father figure to him and he once loved him but not anymore, but he has nowhere else to go. Also Hamm points out that Clove stays with him out of compassion. Nagg depends mostly on his wife, Nell. He would only wake up from his garbage bins to tell the same story to his wife and attempt to give her a kiss. However Nell dependency is the past. Nell in the play re presents life where in this type of story it is unlikely to see. The script and the film made Hammââ¬â¢s parents look more childlike and pet like.The play had several themes, which consist of emptiness, loneliness, and the overall nature of beginnings and endings in other words- life and death. The repeated lines such as ââ¬Å"finishedâ⬠and ââ¬Å"zeroâ⬠represents Hamm, the protagonist, wanting to welcome in death but he is too scare to finish the ââ¬Å"endgameâ⬠. The script made me think the characters were trapped in this small dark hole full of nothingness, which emphasizes the emptiness of the play. However, in the film there was light coming from the two windows. Outside the windows, there is ââ¬Å"zeroâ⬠nature, which also helps to illustrate the emptiness of play.Another example of emptiness being represented in the play, is that there was absolutely no sound coming from the outside or inside in the film, except for the characterââ¬â¢s voices. T he killing of the rat and flea demonstrates the beginnings and endings of the play. Hamm told Clove to kill the flea because he is afraid of the rebirth of humanity. The stage directions in the script represent Hamm and Cloveââ¬â¢s fear of escaping. In the film, when Hamm directs Clove to move him back to the center of the room after being pushed around the room, is one example of Hammââ¬â¢s fear of escaping the room.Another example is Cloveââ¬â¢s failed attempts to leave the room to go to the kitchen. In the film, it showed Cloveââ¬â¢s many hesitations before leaving the room. Even though the characters had good intentions to help each other survive the ââ¬Å"endgameâ⬠, the tragic flaws were overpowering. Nagg mentions in the play that since birth Hamm has always being afraid of loneliness. Clove finally had courage to escape but eventually returns because he didnââ¬â¢t have enough courage to end one thing and start a new beginning somewhere else. Hegelian trag edy suited the Endgame because the characters good intentions collided in this finite dark hole.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Image Portrayed By American Television
Today, everything is based solely on image. Everyone has to be a ââ¬Å"baller,â⬠ââ¬Å"pimp,â⬠or best looking. T.V. has set an extremely materialistic image that has altered our culture. If youââ¬â¢re not thin, sexy, and rich, then youââ¬â¢re nothing in America. Girls spend hours in the bathroom trying to get pretty before they go out. Guys work out, shave, and work on their pick up lines so they can get the most women. Being natural is not an option. If all my knowledge of American Society was based solely on what I saw on T.V., Iââ¬â¢d say they are a paganistic, superficial, ignorant, and ill-mannered group of people. Beer, cussing, money, and women, is this what is supposed to make up the American man? Is the women demanded to look the best, have the best clothes, and have the fittest, most busty body? Should every guy be able to be with as many women as they want, while girls should stay pure until marriage? According to the three shows Making the Band 2, The Man Show, and Insomniac with Dave Attel it is. Solely using this as my knowledge, thatââ¬â¢s the perception I got. These shows portray a wrong image of the American people. The depict the males as alcoholics, foul mouths, and morally challenged gender. In Making the Band 2, they portrayed the guys trying to be ââ¬Å"thugsâ⬠and ââ¬Å"gangstas,â⬠and trying to keep that image because itââ¬â¢s the new trend. They use extremely vulgar language in both their daily lives and lyrics to their rap songs. Their minds are focused on money, girls, and clothing. The women on the other hand are always trying to fix their faces, hair, and trying to fit into the tightest and skimpiest clothes they can. This puts a lot of pressure on the American people to be the coolest, or best looking in the world. Insomniac with Dave Attel could definitely make the men look terrible. He goes from bar to bar, getting extremely drunk and is on a quest to show the ââ¬Å"Great American Night Life.â⬠... Free Essays on Image Portrayed By American Television Free Essays on Image Portrayed By American Television Today, everything is based solely on image. Everyone has to be a ââ¬Å"baller,â⬠ââ¬Å"pimp,â⬠or best looking. T.V. has set an extremely materialistic image that has altered our culture. If youââ¬â¢re not thin, sexy, and rich, then youââ¬â¢re nothing in America. Girls spend hours in the bathroom trying to get pretty before they go out. Guys work out, shave, and work on their pick up lines so they can get the most women. Being natural is not an option. If all my knowledge of American Society was based solely on what I saw on T.V., Iââ¬â¢d say they are a paganistic, superficial, ignorant, and ill-mannered group of people. Beer, cussing, money, and women, is this what is supposed to make up the American man? Is the women demanded to look the best, have the best clothes, and have the fittest, most busty body? Should every guy be able to be with as many women as they want, while girls should stay pure until marriage? According to the three shows Making the Band 2, The Man Show, and Insomniac with Dave Attel it is. Solely using this as my knowledge, thatââ¬â¢s the perception I got. These shows portray a wrong image of the American people. The depict the males as alcoholics, foul mouths, and morally challenged gender. In Making the Band 2, they portrayed the guys trying to be ââ¬Å"thugsâ⬠and ââ¬Å"gangstas,â⬠and trying to keep that image because itââ¬â¢s the new trend. They use extremely vulgar language in both their daily lives and lyrics to their rap songs. Their minds are focused on money, girls, and clothing. The women on the other hand are always trying to fix their faces, hair, and trying to fit into the tightest and skimpiest clothes they can. This puts a lot of pressure on the American people to be the coolest, or best looking in the world. Insomniac with Dave Attel could definitely make the men look terrible. He goes from bar to bar, getting extremely drunk and is on a quest to show the ââ¬Å"Great American Night Life.â⬠...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Global Food Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Global Food Crisis - Essay Example ems from an inability to feed the global poor as well as the financial burdens that shortages of food place on international governments and general citizens. There is no simplistic fix to this problem and therefore knowledge is power to assist innovators in aiding toward finding a quality solution to diminishing food supply. The purpose of this secondary, desk-based research study is to inform the general reader about the multitudes of problems associated with meeting supply versus demand volumes to feed the hungry and also sustain new product development efforts using food products. This information is worthy of consideration as the future of food production and distribution, currently, looks considerably bleak and it ultimately impacts the quality of life for virtually every international citizen. The information gleaned from this secondary research study provides new information and factual statistics about the current state of the global food situation as well as future projections that continue to paint a dismal picture of success in meeting food demand internationally. There is no specific target audience that would best gain from the knowledge provided in this study as the impact of the global food crisis has influence on scientists, government, general global citizens, and even stock market inve stors interested in commodity prices and value of their investment dollars. Russia, over the last two years, has experienced significant volume reduction on agricultural output of grain due to heatwaves and drought conditions that eroded more than one-third of the countryââ¬â¢s entire crop output (Gorst, 2011). To ensure that the Russian people had enough stored grain to sustain its populationââ¬â¢s needs, export bans were imposed on all wheat products until the country was able to improve total grain output. This export ban created a situation where wheat prices soared in European markets, leading to ongoing internationally-driven disapproval (Gorst). A similar
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Change Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Change Managment - Essay Example As the discussion declaresà managers today face constant change and they are often exposed to various challenges. Against this background, this paper has been designed to critically analyse the extent to which the concepts of management and leadership impact on the change process in a given organization.à This paper highlights thatà change is either unplanned or planned alteration in the mode of carrying out activities or the status quo. Change is about making things differently and in case of planned change, it can be seen that the change activities are goal oriented and they are intentional. Both internal and external factors can necessitate change in a particular organization. The internal factors that can influence change in an organization include human resources issues while external factors include economic, social, political as well as technological issues.à It is important for organizations to conceptualise change as the gap that exists between the current status qu o and the desired objective. In order to achieve this feat, change has to be properly planned and there are many issues that are involved in carrying out this initiative. Drawing from the case given in patch1 attached, it can be observed that managing change is a process that requires concerted efforts especially by the leaders responsible for the change process.à There are quite a number of activities that are involved in change management such as initiating change, planning, action plan as well as stabilising the change results.
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